Note to self (and anyone out there considering a haircut):

Don’t go into a haircut and just randomly explain what you want and expect the hairdresser to magically just do exactly what you have envisioned in your mind.

It won’t work.

Bring a picture of what you want and don’t be afraid that it might be bad manners to say “STOP!” if those scissors get close to your scalp in the back.

The good thing is that I don’t really think about how depressing it is…
until I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror…

So, on the agenda today:

Go buy some really big earrings to take away attention from the hair.


  1. Okay. You know I have been having hair troubles since March. I think I finally got the proper (my vision) cut. I told the gal what I DIDN’t want. I have to say I think we are just safer with long hair. Please show us a pic…

  2. Oh dear. I hear you. Totally hear you. My husband told me my headstone will read, “Never had a haircut she liked.”

    A new wardrobe always helps… 🙂

  3. I am excited to see your hair tonight! I am sure it isn’t that bad! You could pull off any haircut! I love how Elle got her hair cut short too. She is a total Shawni mini-me. So cute!

  4. I know you Shawni and you can make the worst hair cut look awesome. But bummer if you aren’t happy with it. Did you cut it shorter??? Maybe you look like Katie Holmes.

  5. Yeah, it’d be great Briggs, if it looked like Katie Holmes. The lady told me after she was done that she was going more for the Posh Spice look…NOT what I wanted. That’s a nice style and all, but not on me. Oh well, it’ll grow.

  6. Oh Shawni….I feel awful…almost responsible…especially if it was who I think it was that cut it?!

    Then I stop and think, “Shawni could never look anything but gorgeous!”

    But if you feel bad then I feel rotten for you. I’m sorry!

  7. Kara, it really wasn’t the hair stylist. I’ll still go back to her. It was totally me and hoping that she could see the vision in my head. It’s really not that bad, just definitely not my favorite.

    And now I’m back from the mall with big earrings…so it’ll be fine! Ha ha.

  8. I think if you look good in a pony tail, you can pull off short hair! I’ve seen you with your hair up and you look like a super model…….I cant wait to see it, but your going to have to post a pic, I live too far away to stop by.

  9. I can’t wait to see a picture! I’m sure the hair cut is adorable…
    I really want to cut my hair off right now…and I always do when I’m prego. I’m trying to hold off until after the baby gets here and I drop a few.

  10. What a bummer. I can totally relate, though. I have had my own hair and my children’s hair, as well, BUTCHERED at times!

    Seriously, I think part of the reason I am in beauty school right now is so that no one but me will touch my family’s hair again. 🙂

    You are so beautiful that I am positive you can pull off ANY haircut, but for your own sense of comfort–I hope it grows back soon!

  11. I feel for you – last week I thought I’d try a shorter cut myself…bad idea. The good news is that it looks great from the front it’s just the back I cringe at (I went for an a-line bob). The hair on the back of my neck is almost shorter than my husband’s. Oh well, good thing prenatal vitamins seem to speed up hair growth. By the way – I love reading your blog!! You are just as inspiring now as you were in Ploiesti. I just finished reading The Good Earth (somewhere I read that you loved it) – I also love the work ethic message. But I wasn’t a fan of the message to replace your old worn-out wife with a young fresh version. YUCKY.

  12. You are so dang beautiful that you could have no hair and you would still look stunning …. really!! I am so sorry though, that is a bummer if you are not loving it!

  13. After seeing you at church today, I can tell anyone that can’t see you in person that the hair cut is still darling on you. It’s a cute cut and you look great.

  14. Oh Shawni!
    I hate bad haircuts. I got a REALLY short one once when I was pregnant with baby #2 and I had pregnancy fat face to go along with my too short do! I was SO sad about it. I can relate! I look at pictures now and just shudder. But knowing you, your face is thin and you look gorgeous pulling it off–especially with your cute new earrings!

    By the way, I still am boring and don’t have a blog. I do have a facebook page though if you want to see some pics. Take care and I’m sending hair growing vibes your way!


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