Eyrealm Reunion

Here’s a selection of pictures from the grand 2007 reunion. Boy howdy we had fun. JUMPING Aunt Char is a world-famous jumper. She tried to teach us all how to do it… looks like the cousins need a little practice… and I couldn’t leave this one out… Bloomington Lake So there’s this little, gorgeous lake…

pre-reunion Bear Lake

Every year I have a tough time figuring out how in Heaven’s name to document Bear Lake.  I take so dang many pictures and there’s so much that happens up there. So I guess the best way to do this thing is to just dive in at the beginning.   Lucy, Max and I got home…

pre-reunion Bear Lake

Man alive, I’m coming back to the present for a minute so I can write about being right here, right now. So much has happened this summer.  Starting with graduation and trek and our trip, then dropping off Elle at college, then a trip for me and Dave to the BBS conference (pretty tough one…

Bear Lake reunion 2015

Once again our big reunion has come and gone. Oh how I love these great people!  Everyone was here except my one brother and his family who couldn’t make it because they are living in Europe right now.  We missed them so much! This year my sister Charity and her new husband Ian were in…

pre-reunion Bear Lake

We joined the pre-reunion party up at the Lake after our quick stay in Salt Lake (HERE). We made it a real party by finally whipping up a birthday cake for Grace (yes, it was clear back HERE in June, but I was gone to the BBS conference and she never got a cake). We thought it…