oh my word…

…I can’t keep up! I have SO much to write about this:and this:and this:and especially this:(the cake is compliments of Elle and Grace, the chunk taken out of the front is compliments of Lu.) But I can’t seem to sneak out any time to write about it all because of this:(The kids about drove me…

my 2011 word

Years ago someone gave me a book. It was called “The Precious Present.” And although I will admit that it was a tinge on the cheesy side, the story enclosed within it’s cover has held a piece of my heart ever since. It was about a man who was told all his life (by someone…

while you were gone…

Dearest David, Here’s a little re-cap about life at home as you traipse around on the other side of the planet: We had our Primary Program at church. I wish I would have snuck in a video camera so you could see Lucy right in front marching to the songs and acting like she knew…

my 2010 “word”

It’s weird how having a “word” as my motto for the year has kind of changed me the last couple years. No, these words have not miraculously molded me into a new and improved self instantaneously. But having them to think about in the back of my mind all year has really helped me remember…


one question

I have one big question today: How in the world did it become December 17th so darn fast? Honestly, it seems like yesterday I was SHOCKED to look at the calendar and realize it was the 4th of DECEMBER. I honestly could not believe it. And now we have eight days ’til Christmas. In my…

2022 is on the horizon

2022 is on the horizon

As I type, we are driving in the snow homeward bound, into the sunset. The sky is orange, waving goodbye to another year. A whole year of heartbreaks and disappointments, of successes and surprises. A year filled with masks and Covid, and also a year filled up with learning and growth. Sometimes we have to…