teaching children to give (a podcast and our Christmas Eve tradition) and a guest post (giving free books) from my parents

teaching children to give (a podcast and our Christmas Eve tradition) and a guest post (giving free books) from my parents

How’s that for a long title? Ha! But I wanted to take a minute to talk about my very favorite part of Christmas every single year: children-gift-exchange on Christmas Eve. Can you see how excited Claire was to give this gift to Lucy years ago? Ok sorry had to include a few more. Because it…

May little things

May little things

The beginning of May found us with these two high schoolers still going strong as best friends: (I am a little melancholy with this right at the moment since these two are missing each other SO MUCH as I write here a couple months later and they are a world apart.  So crazy how life…

kindness spreading

I love how kindness spreads. Especially in times of trouble. For the last couple weeks our high school student body as well as our community has been in mourning following two tragic accidents. One of those accidents took the life of a senior student, and the other left one of Claire’s close friends in an…


Last summer I was talking with my friend who I hadn’t seen in a long time.  She was catching me up with her life, and as I asked follow-up questions about one of the things she had going on, she looked at me kind of funny and told me I had commented on her Instagram…


There are lots of things in life that can wrap their tentacles into our hearts and minds, changing us either for good or for not-so-good.  I think that’s why I worry so much about raising kids alongside social media these days. Well, “alongside” isn’t the best word to use for the situation our world has…