November little things

November little things

We are getting so far behind on these “little things” posts so I’m doing this one speedy-quick. Links at the bottom and intermixed in with the pictures if you want more details. Here’s how November went down…it was a nutty month I have to say! We started out with our own, personal “dinner Halloween” where…

October little things

October little things

Yep, I’m catching up! We started off October with a brand new fifteen year old: Who luckily had planned out her bday to a “t” so we could just follow directions to help her celebrate. HA! See that boy over there on the counter over there below? Yes, Max & Abby came to town to…

Elle & Carson’s “sealing of the deal” at the temple

Elle & Carson’s “sealing of the deal” at the temple

Of all the things going on over Thanksgiving break, this part was my very favorite. Elle and Carson were sealed for Time and All Eternity at the temple. I loved sitting in that temple with all those people I love…family and extended family, sunlight sparking through those towering windows, Elle and Carson calm, happy, in…

some culture in Los Angeles for our {late} anniversary celebration

some culture in Los Angeles for our {late} anniversary celebration

I have to preface this post with a declaration that Dave is not perfect, because it will seem like he is here. Ha! That guy sometimes makes my blood boil. And sometimes I know I drive him nutty with all my crazy ideas. But oh, I adore him. He is protective and thoughtful and good-to-the-core…