
I think it’s interesting that each of my kids has such a distinct cry. And when they’re grown, I’m going to miss everything about being them being my babies. Even their cries. I’m always documenting their smiles, but I want to remember the cries too. Max: He’s silent as big crocodile tears roll down his…


Since my life revolves around photoshoots lately I figured I better post some of the pictures. I’m working on a photo blog so I’ll post the address when I finish a few more finishing touches. I’ve been scrambling to get this done since I printed the blog address on some client’s Christmas cards…there’s got to…


Halloween is a holiday I love to hate. Or do I hate that I love it so much?Here are the reasons I should hate it:1) I have four girls. They of course all need different make-up, hair-dos, etc. (ok, so Lucy wasn’t such a huge deal this year but as you can tell by her…

Boston (part two)

We’re home safe and sound trying to hit the ground running to catch up again, and trying to scrounge up some Halloween costumes for parties that are now bombarding our calendar. I’m just going to write the segments of our trip when I get snippets of time here and there. Oh my word did we…

Boston (part one)

I love Boston. I love the trees, I love the narrow, winding streets, I love the accent, I love the crisp air, I really love the fall colors, and most of all I love being with my amazing sisters and spending quality time with two of my daughters. Man it’s gorgeous out here. Today we…

Uncle Tal

The great Uncle Tal left yesterday to drive across the country to his new stomping grounds of NYC. We got to have lunch with him and help him pack his new car to the ceiling with all kinds of Maxis tools and everything else he could stuff in. We are now the proud owners of…