July little things

The beginning of July found us in Utah for the BBS Conference. We were so excited that it was in the West this time around, and that although most of the time it was just the three of us: …Claire and my parents and Utah siblings joined us for different parts and we loved sharing…

July 2017 little things

We started off July in California: I talked all about that trip back HERE. Then we went straight to visit my sister and her family at “the farm:” All about our farm experience over HERE. And then directly to Bear Lake: I talked about our arrival in that gorgeous place back HERE and the big reunion over HERE…

a new school-year theme

We started the tradition of having a school-year “theme” last year. We got the dinner table all dolled up and read a special book to illustrate our thinking and Dave and I introduced that “theme” of ours: (Much more about that back HERE.) And I am telling you, we really did try to be “lights.”…

Grammie Camp 2014 & 2015

I’ve had some pictures on my computer ready to blog for a year from Grammie Camp last year. Somehow China got in the way of finishing that up. So I figure now is just as good a time as ever to sing praises to my dear mother, who puts lots of work into this each…

Happy 14th, Grace!

From the moment she was born, this girl has been fond of front and center stage, depicted quite nicely in this picture. Her siblings were enamored by her right from the start: She was just so darling that we couldn’t get enough of her.  Those chunky cheeks and big smiles melted us right away. And…