the last day

School is officially out. It’s summer. And my loving relationship with that season is blooming.  Thanks for the encouragement in my little funk last week before that last school bell signaled our freedom (back HERE).  Life is oh so good, but I am always on a journey of seeking out balance here in my little…

Friday Q & A — prayer

I went to TOFW in Phoenix over the weekend and loved your story that you told about the mother who wouldn’t allow Christ to help her during her day. I can’t remember who it was by and I can’t find it through google. I would love to read and have that story. Where can I…

Friday Q & A

I am using each Friday as a way to catch up with questions I receive. I am posting a few each week. Here you go: Hey just wondering if there was a way to order your book for Mothers Day. It’s sold out on the Deseret book website 🙁Unfortunately it is sold out most places…