Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all the inspiring Mothers in my life. To those who are nearest and dearest to me…I crave opportunities to soak up your examples like a sponge. To those I come in contact with in my carpools and kids’ classes. To those I’ve never met but I feel my heart interlaced with…

Mother’s Day

Ok, and a couple other reasons I love Mother’s Day (aside from the fact that I have such an amazing mother) is because first of all, my kids have made me into a mother, and I get to watch their excitement as they do things like set the table for me and present me with…

Happy Mother’s Day

Oh man I love Mother’s Day. No, not because I sat in church today with five kids who pulled my skirt up exactly 43 times while vying for a spot practically on top of me, and not because Claire mysteriously got out the door wearing hot pink flip flops, and certainly not because I had…

Sending Claire off…How the “big” kids took their sister under their wings and eased their mother’s heart in the process

Sending Claire off…How the “big” kids took their sister under their wings and eased their mother’s heart in the process

I thought I would be ok just sending Claire off to the MTC by herself. You see, she has eight more weeks of study there before she heads off to Australia. She has had a fair share of traveling alone, and had already “met” her companion, her district and her teachers online. It would be…

mushy birthday love

mushy birthday love

Since Valentine’s Day is this weekend I feel the pull to write a love post today. So I will. But it’s not going to be a mushy, lovey-dovey one (although I sure do love that valentine of mine, hubba hubba…Claire don’t roll your eyes). No. Today I want to post about my birthday. Because in…