When Dave was in China we did a lot of skyping.
That is when digital technology sure comes in handy dandy.
Half way through our trip Dave figured out that he really didn’t have to miss the morning routine over here fifteen hours behind him. At 6:30am here it was already 9:30pm there so he came up with the great idea to connect to read scriptures with the kids each morning.
Gotta love skype. We opened our christmas presents christmas evening with our daughter in Japan x
Good reminder that our little family need to do better with our daily scripture reading, we have become a little lazy in that department.
My husband's new job takes him away from home a lot and we have been reading scriptures and having family prayer via SKYPE for a while. It is really the highlight of our day. We actually do much better with daily scripture reading when hubby is away then when he is home. I am glad to see that other families are doing this too.
We recently did the same thing too. My husband spent 6 months "commuting" from his new job in Vegas (during the week) to our home in Oregon (on the weekends) until we were able to find a home and move. Anyways, we set up the iPad each morning (for 6 months) and included him in our family scriptures study via FaceTime. It. was. awesome. Just to see his face everyday was such a treat. But also to keep this family tradition going, with everyone participating. It was wonderful. Yay for technology!
It was so fun to be there on one of those days!
It was so fun to be there on one of those days!