We had the best lesson at church on Sunday.

It was about enjoying all the quiet moments…
well…making time for those quiet moments, even if they’re in the middle of complete chaos.

I love when it closes in on Christmas how the air seems to thicken as the Spirit start to seep in.
…if you let it. And I’ll admit, I’ve had a hard time this year.
All the superfluous stuff has to take a back seat.
My Mom & Dad are here. My brother and his wife are here. We have been drinking hot wassail and sitting by the fire. We’ve been listening to Christmas music all day, knocked a bunch of stuff of the Christmas list, and we decorated gingerbread houses last night for FHE.Yep, Christmas is coming. And boy oh boy I think all that bah humbug stuff is done and we’re soaking it all in. Sure, it’s to the tune of Lu fussing about how she wants another drink and the kids are still teasing each other and I still have a bunch of stuff on my list.

But, I’m trying to slow down a little, and let those snippets of quiet moments change my wound up ball of worry and stress.

And gradually time has started to sort of slow down, and something a little more magical has started filling the air.That thick Christmas spirit in the air is pretty powerful.

It’s covering all that stress with a blanket of what all this hustle and bustle is all about anyway…that Christ was born. I’m so thankful for that.

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  1. We had ALL of the Primary kids re-enact the nativity for sharing time on Sunday (ever seen a pink flamingo at the manger?? it is adorable) – and after all the chaos of costuming the kids and arranging all of them in front of the manger (red wagon) to adore the baby Jesus – the air became nice and “thick” and the kids became still and it was all worth it. Loved your post and the gingerbread houses!

  2. Amen…I just made a similar post on my blog. It seems that maybe we are all feeling the same…us mothers anyway. It does feel good to slow down and enjoy it “all” the good and the bad cause together they makeup our world. Our life and it aint so bad. thanks kristie

  3. Bye-the-way i found you through a friend who is friends with kara jayne.:) I am a regular stalker of your blog and I LOVE YOUR PARENTS. Joy school is wonderful. Merry Christmas!!

  4. What a heartfelt post. Thanks for sharing these thoughts. Sometimes it’s hard to actually feel anything but tired as Christmas draws near. I’m going to turn up the music and ignore the panic 🙂

  5. I always love reading your perspective on things (and checking out your amazing photography)! I think we all struggle with alot of the same issues. I recognized the gingerbread house, since we bought the same kit. Ours completely collapsed right after we finished it, and just as I was starting to feel like our project had failed, I realized the kids could care less. It simply meant they got to pick off more candy sooner. Another one of my sources of good perspective. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!

  6. Beautifully written, and great photos (as usual!) Hope you and your family have a wonderful celebration today! I have a quick photo question for you… I have a Mac too… what editing software do you suggest? My husband just got me Aperture 2 for Christmas (SO SWEET!) but I’m debating if it’s the best program for me… I’d love to hear your thoughts…

  7. Shawni I have been so crazed I haven’t been checking blogs this month…I just caught up on yours and I always laugh, cry, and nod my head in total agreement while I am reading along. So thanks…..
    I got your cute Christmas card and no I couldn’t tell who you photo- shopped in who was it?

  8. I felt so blessed to be in Relief Society that day. It was definetly what I needed to hear. Then another great lesson today! We have such a great ward 🙂

  9. There is something about this time of the year that just puts a little lull into an otherwise stressful situation. We are doing gingerbread houses for our FHE tonight too. I implemented FHE about 4 weeks ago here and it truley has brought our family together. We might be spinning in 50 different directions, but there is always one free night and now everyone asks which night it will be & what we are going to do. Wish I had thought of this years ago, but I am so glad I started now.

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