Some of the cutest blog readers and fellow parents of a BBS child near Lucy’s age who live in Switzerland sent us some awesome hats.
Thank you soooo much sweet friends!
Speaking of sweet friends, our college friends got us tickets to “Toad the Wet Sprocket,” a college favorite band.
…and made us all realize from the crowd we were sitting in, that we really are getting older, dang it!!
I love our pear tree blossoms.
My continual quest to turn my kids into readers by reading enthusiastically with them when I can is still in full swing. Love when Grace will do my hair while I read.
These girls think Elle’s new wallpaper is pretty awesome.
..and I’m hoping we can calm it down a bit when we get furniture in there ๐
I taught Grace a little lesson on headshots since she had her first photoshoot.
She did a great job.
These are the pictures I got after some begging.
Sometimes, when my allergies aren’t killing me, I get to walk this cutie pie to school.
And sometimes she brings me home treasures she finds on her way home from the bus.
Dave’s brother Bob came for a visit.
Love all those wonderful people.
This is a glimpse in the after-school rush for the kids to get home from school.
And this is a glimpse of one of the reasons I love the desert so much:
(I LOVE palm trees, especially all lined up in a row.)
We were so glad to have my parents here for the occasion.
She also got to ride in a limo for a birthday party. Lucky girls.
There she is in a blurry mid-air back handspring:
To celebrate we had a “picnic” with our favorite pizza over there in the dirt and dust (still SO much to do!)
I love to walk in on Lucy doing this:
Thank you Emily!!
Over President’s Day Dave met up with cousins to ski with these two lucky girls.
I’m so glad they got some good skiing in since we can’t go for Spring Break this year.
I have spent a good deal of time at pharmacies and doctors in February. I have had two doses of steroid shots and some serious antibiotics. Boy howdy it’s been a crazy spring.
Elle did one of the most beautiful photo-shoots I’ve seen of a family who has just adopted a new baby. More pictures and thoughts coming soon but for now here’s one I couldn’t resist snapping from my phone.
Dave got to go on a “business” ski trip. Now that’s how it should go:)
I dragged these cuties to IKEA to try to figure out handles for the house. They magically turned into every character from “Frozen” in all the make-believe places they found there. Loved it.
I must really love my teenagers cause this is what I made them at midnight for one of their big practice for the grand temple opening.
(Soooo much more on that later.)
Lu and her never-ending art ideas:
These three girls worked their tails off doing a lemonade stand and got to spend their winnings at the 99 cent store.
Pure Heaven for ten-year-olds I tell you.
I love Sundays when we have time to make our favorite rolls (over HERE).
Elle’s deep into tennis (hence the clothing) and also deep into driving exactly how her mother drives:
(I don’t know why I have to have my leg up, but apparently she does too.)
FHE at Costco without the whole family because Dave opted to stay home with sleepy Lu.
Look who we happened to park by on the right:)
(It is dangerous to go to Costco with teenagers.)
Soccer girls:
One of my sweet Young Women who is now quite a great little lady brought us a treat from her new job:
I took a bite out of the red velvet one before I thought to take a pic.
Thank you sweet Lauren!!! Love you!
Ok, on to March Madness.
Bring it on!
(Now that I’m finally not feeling like I’m walking in a dream drugged up on allergy medications…let’s hope this sticks!)
I feel for Clare… I've always had a massive fear of losing my teeth and even have nightmares still!
Also, the glimpse of your new home looks amazing!
Lucy draws so good. I love her little people!
I live in Central Phoenix (3 blocks from Windsor ;)) and also can't keep myself from taking iphone shots of the sunset on an almost daily basis. It's just too breath-taking not to capture.
And my husband has also been miserable from allergies but crazily nasal spray has been a miracle-worker. Try it!
Oh, I hear ya, I too love sunsets and sunrises. And you are so right, their magic is hard to capture via a camera… especially a cell phone camera. Teeth ~ my son is so afraid to lose teeth. He lost his first one in a banana at school. My oldest daughter can't stand to have anything remotely wiggly in her mouth so at the first sign of being loose (or not) that tooth will likely not spend another day in her mouth. Funny how kids can be so different. Your family is lovely, your pictures are beautiful! Welcome March ๐
i have the prettiest sister! and the longest-legged niece. love you and can't wait to see you soon!
Not that you have a whole lotta free time (obviously), but can you teach me about head shots too?
I have a daughter just like Claire. She loves gymnastics, but she has the LONGEST legs. Her physique reminds me a lot of Claire's. We've had that same discussion, that there aren't a lot of tall gymnasts around, but she can't get enough of the sport!
I have a question for your next Friday Q&A. With so many siblings growing up, how did your parents ensure that you and your siblings were close to one another? You and your siblings all seem to close and just have so much love for one another. How did your parents instill that in you all growing up? I want that so badly for all our children, but we have two daughters that are just the best of friends, which is wonderful. But I sure do hope that all our kids can have a close bond together like our two daughters do.
What a great array of good things! Loved every pic! I agree on the nasal spray! They keep insisting on TV that it does the trip and let's face it….that nose is full! So happy that you're feeling a little better!
I love this post because it reminds me that the important things are the simple things! Recently I joined a friend of mine as we started a website/blog called Real Imprints. We believe that it is the simple real moments in life that matter. We all can inspire each other. Our blog is called The Simple Things for that same reason! I enjoy reading your posts and remembering that joy comes from the little things! Thank you!
Your blog always, ALWAYS makes me happy! I also drive the same way you and Elle do. I thought I was the only one! I don't know if my daughter does, though. I'll have to check now!
Hi Shawni,
I was wondering….i'm trying to figure out a good way to do journaling for my two girls and our family. . Do you print your blog into books or do you do online scrapbooking or anything in addition to your blog? I'm trying to figure out the best "system" where I can record pictures and journaling but would also like to print or have a hard copy. I'd love to know what has worked for you!
I love that those white flowers in your bouquet are a native Australian flower called Geraldtown Wax! (It comes in an amazing purple colour too) Julie in Sydney, Austrlia