The prophet of our church along with one of the apostles and their wives came to the desert to give a fireside a couple weeks ago.
And that made everyone pretty excited. People came from all over to fill this stadium up to the very rafters to hear the prophet speak.

Dave and Lucy had to miss this thing since they had been set to be in Wisconsin for some doctor appointments at the same time. Dave and Lu were ok to miss the crowds and knew they could watch later, but I think this is something Lucy would have really liked. Darn it.
But Grace and Claire enjoyed it a little extra for them. They got to be there with all these cousins and they had a pretty cool experience. They had a rare opportunity to sit really close and really feel the love of those church leaders not only for them, but mostly for God.

I’m so grateful for a living, modern day prophet. He is amazing with so much energy and filled with love and it’s pretty phenomenal that he’s 94 and is running around doing all he’s doing.

Loved being with my girls as well as my brother that night…as well as 65,000 of my “friends.” Ha!

Mostly I’m grateful that he does so well in his role to help everyone connect with God, and help guide the church as a whole to be good scaffolding for developing our own personal relationship with our Savior.