Thanks for all the great entries for the book give-away!
The winner (picked by is “The Hulls” who said:
I would love to read this book!! I just finished your mom’s, Joyful Mother! Loved it!! Really helps us keep things in perspective;)
Please send your address to me at sepphotography at gmail dot com and I’ll have them send it right out.
For those who still want to order the book, click here
for ordering information.
Also, click here if you’d like to read some excerpts and other great info. about the book. What a great Christmas gift for all those mothers in your life…or for yourself (because we all know sometimes we have to take the initiative there, right?).
What do your parents do for Christmas gifts for all the grandchildren. We are trying to convince our parents they don't need to buy everyone a gift. It's just too much and not necessary.
I love what you've got here, Shawni! Here's a post with a little more about giving our kids the gift of giving (fun photo of me and Shawni as kids with our other siblings):
And here's a post that offers more ideas on where to draw the line on giving stuff to your kids and keep Christmas giving a little simpler: