Friday Q & A

I know you use your parents’ book on how to teach your children about sex for the first time at age 8. but what I’m wondering is, do you have any books that helped you to introduce changes with their bodies before or along with the sex talk book? we are looking for a book…

Lucy’s big day

Lucy’s big day

(What in the world is up with that streak blond hair there on my head? Have I really been going around like that since my last haircut??)I find it interesting how mothers change through the years. I, for one, have sure mellowed out. For Max’s first birthday we whipped up a serious shin-dig. We invited…


We are home. Back to the familiar things we longed for while we were gone: Our own beds. Lucy’s stuffed-bunny-who-wears-a-dress and who delights her to no end. A grocery store and Costco around the corner. Back-to-school night notices and orientation schedules the kids were anxious about (but that make us all a little nauseous). My…


Last month we had a fundraiser for the youth in our church. It was a BIG deal. They Mayor of our town even came to be the MC. The committee putting it on put in so much work and really encouraged everyone to donate something great to the cause. Max put together a car wash…


I am thankful for visitors. Especially when those visitors are my brother and his fam. They are moving from smack-dab in the middle of New York City across the country to Los Angeles. And although I’m a little sad that we won’t be able to crash with them and their three kids in their teeny…

in the kitchen

Growing up, I’m sure I helped my mom in the kitchen. I mean, I was second of nine kids…I’m sure she needed help from time to time. And really, how else would I have emerged into real life knowing how to make things like chicken cordon bleu and eggs Benedict? But I don’t remember it….

enjoying the journey

I like to get things done. I look at the overwhelming stacks of papers and childrens’ school work and endless things to schedule staring at me from my desk and feel that I can’t function ’til it’s gone. I brace myself and bulldoze my way through piles of laundry. I zoom to and from lessons…

“focus” report

Although I haven’t written anything about it, I have been working hard on my “one word” for 2010: FOCUS. I determined when I picked this word that I would focus on different things each month so that I wouldn’t be overwhelmed with all I wanted to focus on this year. I mean, seriously, you can’t…