my 2019 books

my 2019 books

One of my goals last year was to read at least two new books each month. And I’m pretty happy that I DID IT, even with an extra one to make it 25! Ok, I actually listened to most of them (Audible rocks!), but hey, sometimes you have to cling on to accomplishments like this…

teaching children to give (a podcast and our Christmas Eve tradition) and a guest post (giving free books) from my parents

teaching children to give (a podcast and our Christmas Eve tradition) and a guest post (giving free books) from my parents

How’s that for a long title? Ha! But I wanted to take a minute to talk about my very favorite part of Christmas every single year: children-gift-exchange on Christmas Eve. Can you see how excited Claire was to give this gift to Lucy years ago? Ok sorry had to include a few more. Because it…

books lately

books lately

Ok I have really been holding firm to my goal to read at least two books each month in 2019 and I’m loving it. (My memorization goal, on the other hand, isn’t going quite so hot, but we don’t have to talk about that right now! ha!) I can’t quite keep up here writing about…

three impactful books full of “nudges” that inspired on our journey in Africa

three impactful books full of “nudges” that inspired on our journey in Africa

I have read more books than ever before this summer, and I’m anxious to write and recommend a bunch of them, but there were three that I’ve been wanting to group together here because they made a huge impact on me over the last few months.  They all happened to be on the New York…