“Library Mom”

Today I tried to conform into what I always aspire to be: what I call a “Library Mom.” You know those moms at the library who speak in hushed tones to their kids as they usher them around helping them find appropriate books. They check out a huge stack and always return them on time….

my Mom

Every once in a while I stop myself in the middle of whatever I’m doing and realize I’m gradually morphing into my mom. No, unfortunately it’s not the selfless, Christ-like qualities I’m beginning to emit more and more of. It’s more the things like cutting my own hair (even the back) and reading random street…

little things

Little things make me smile. And sometimes (well, most of the time) I forget to write them down. Like how Lucy straightens her legs and points her toes (smooshing her totally chunky thighs together) when I lay her down to change her diaper or how Grace just has to do a little dance in front…

Merry Christmas!!

Well, Christmas is over and done with and we’re here in snowy Utah. Each year I think it’s the best Christmas yet, and this year was no exception. It was interesting how things were so out-of-control crazy and I was so overwhelmed and then suddenly a week before Christmas things slowed down, Dave and I…


I know I’ve already said it in so many words, but this has probably been the most stressful Christmas season yet. (Hence the reason why I’m up at 5:45…don’t ask me why I’m doing my blog instead of a million other things that need to be done, but, hey, this is my journal.) And it…

photoshoots & motherhood

Lately my life revolves around family Christmas photoshoots and sitting here at my computer editing picture after picture. This is such a busy time of year for photography, but since I’ve shifted around pricing and availability this year it has gone smoother than the last few years (my husband may disagree with me here, but…

hard work

I just finished reading The Good Earth a couple weeks ago and it’s been on my mind so much lately I just have to write down my thoughts before they fade away. I love this book. I read it years ago and have ever since claimed it as my favorite book. But lately I couldn’t…

Uncle Tal

The great Uncle Tal left yesterday to drive across the country to his new stomping grounds of NYC. We got to have lunch with him and help him pack his new car to the ceiling with all kinds of Maxis tools and everything else he could stuff in. We are now the proud owners of…