beauty for ashes

I’m back for my second Easter post. I just feel compelled to come back and post this talk my sister gave yesterday because it spoke so beautifully to me.  I read it to my family last night through tears, it is so beautifully worded.  There’s so much of life that can feel like sifting through…

2019 family snapshot

Each year I write a “family snapshot”…just some notes on how life is going in that little “snapshot” of time right then. So I’m a little late for 2019, but then, I’m a little late every year so we’re really right on track 🙂 It still feels strange to only have three kids at home,…


Valentine's Day 2019 and an invitation to some cool parenting things

Here’s how Valentine’s Day went down over in our neck of the woods. I stayed up late the night before (because I always procrastinate) to whip our kitchen into shape for the big day: My mom started doing these Valentine’s cups when we were all little and that tradition has carried on: I wonder how…

January little things

January little things

In the beginning of January (and the beginning of 2019 too!), we found ourselves entrenched in the frigid, snowy, beauty of Utah. I posted about that Utah trip and New Year’s Day back HERE. We had come up to help Max and Abby move into their apartment and ski. We were good at the helping-Max-and-Abby…

Sunday ponderings…on a Monday afternoon…thoughts on changes

I am writing from Claire’s President’s Day volleyball tournament where she’s reffing for a few games before hers begin.  And I figured now would be a good time to share some thoughts that have been rolling around in my brain.  Because there are lots of things to ponder about as many things in our church…

Thanksgiving weekend 2018

So I know Thanksgiving is ancient history by now, but for record’s sake, here’s the low-down of how our weekend went. One of my favorite moments was the happy reunion of Lu and Elle when I brought her home early in the morning from her red-eye flight (we stopped for an early breakfast, just the…