Grace “the nerd” ROCKS!

Grace scraped up her nose in a swimming pool a few weeks ago (just in time for our Christmas pictures). So she had to wear a band-aid to school for a couple days. Instead of being self-conscious and worried about appearing in front of her peers with a band aid plunked right in the center…

photoshoots & motherhood

Lately my life revolves around family Christmas photoshoots and sitting here at my computer editing picture after picture. This is such a busy time of year for photography, but since I’ve shifted around pricing and availability this year it has gone smoother than the last few years (my husband may disagree with me here, but…

Thanksgiving run-down

Ok, so Thanksgiving festivities…before I forget what we did: My sister Saydi, her husband and two kids Hazel & Charlie came first. They stayed for a week and a half and we loved having them. I always get so inspired by those two. The kids had fun together…most of the time. Claire & Hazel have…

giving thanks

Thanksgiving has come and gone, and no matter how I tried to pull myself in to this computer and express my complete gratitude for so many hoards of blessings I just couldn’t peel myself away from the craziness to do it. So I’ll just sum up a couple things I’m thankful for now that it’s…

Boston (part one)

I love Boston. I love the trees, I love the narrow, winding streets, I love the accent, I love the crisp air, I really love the fall colors, and most of all I love being with my amazing sisters and spending quality time with two of my daughters. Man it’s gorgeous out here. Today we…


June 20, 2007 Following an intense discussion my kids came to me the other day and asked how they could earn $3.50. When I asked why they told me they really wanted to buy a new game for the Wii (they’re expensive! $49.50). Max would contribute all his birthday money ($40), Elle would contribute all…


We had to leave Lucy’s huge bandage on her foot for 48 hours, and we almost wondered if she really got that toe removed with how happy she was. She kicked around just like nothing ever happened. She’s pretty un-phased by the whole thing. You would have thought it was Christmas morning with the excitement…

Lucy has TEN toes

Well, Lucy’s officially joined the rest of the world in the ten-toe club. She got her eleventh toe removed yesterday morning. We were actually kinda sad to see it go…we’ve grown attached to that little thing. Here are the last pictures we got of it…But it was time. It started turning all crooked and backwards…