October little things

Yes that says “October” and I do realize it’s February 1st. I haven’t done my “little things” posts for the last few months and although I’m not organized on most things in life, I do really like to keep those memories put together.  I love being able to find all the little branches of happenings…

Thanksgiving weekend 2018

So I know Thanksgiving is ancient history by now, but for record’s sake, here’s the low-down of how our weekend went. One of my favorite moments was the happy reunion of Lu and Elle when I brought her home early in the morning from her red-eye flight (we stopped for an early breakfast, just the…

happy birthday to my #1

I meant to post this all day yesterday, on the big birthday day, but here I am a little late.  Too busy celebrating 🙂  In the wake of the big Turkey Trot hoopla, we get to celebrate this guy. One year older.  One year wiser.  One year more good-lookin’.  One year even deeper my best…

gratitude thoughts

I started this grand idea of a “gratitude” post last week.  My heart was (is still) so full.  And instead of finishing and posting, I just let all that gratitude flow through me.  I am grateful for so much, and I am so grateful for Thanksgiving as an opportunity to let that gratitude flow become…


With the Turkey Trot right around the corner, (like in a couple hours…yikes, I meant to post this earlier!) so many people have asked how they can help in the cause for Families Fighting Blindness.  And I thought of a little thing.  I think I’ve mentioned this before, but since it’s also time to start…

the weekend

If I wait to put this past weekend into the “little things” November post too many thoughts will get lost in the shuffle so here I am to sum it up. First of all, Dave had been in China all week.  Why is it that things run all smooth and hunky dory when Dave is…

September little things

Let’s just start summing up September by giving a little ode to our dog. We love her. Amen. I have this picture the beginning of September, but it’s really from the end of August when Elle returned from Jerusalem and she gave us some gifts.  I posted pics of the girls gifts, but here are…

Halloween 2018

For Halloween this year we had a creepy doll: (not sure why that’s creepy…she looks kinda cute to me…) A lion and a Jazz player: (again, not sure why that outfit is a “lion” outfit, but the more I chided that we could at least go with brown clothes I could surely track down for…