the 2018 BBS conference

We kind of switched around summer a little bit this year because of the BBS conference. This conference happens every other year, and happened to be taking place in Utah this time around.  Usually it’s on the East coast somewhere, and usually we don’t feel there would be a benefit to take Lucy.   But this year…

the Ironman

The power of the human body sometimes baffles me.  And the power of the mind astounds me even more. Back at the beginning of June Dave put himself “in the arena” and competed in a half Ironman. And that is not for the weak of heart. I got to go with him and as I…

November little things

Why does it seem to me like November was two years ago? Well ok, not two years ago, because that’s when Max left and that’s a really long time!   But just looking through these pictures makes me realize how quickly you can forget.  So glad to have at least some of all we did captured…

Thanksgiving hoopla 2017

I’m pretty sure that over Thanksgiving I really turned a corner on becoming the “favorite aunt.”   Because really, let’s think about it for a minute, what kid doesn’t want an aunt to pull them away from all the fun stuff they’re doing together and boss them around so she can take pictures all the time?  …

the white cane

The day after our meeting with the low-vision doctor that I talked about back HERE, Lucy came home with her new white cane. That is how on-the-ball her teachers are. When she pulled it out of her backpack (it folds up to fit), and showed us all how it works with a glisten in her…

gratitude week

I feel like this week is a sacred one. Because I believe this whole-heartedly: Gratitude = Joy in so many ways. And although of course we should be “in thanksgiving daily,” how awesome to have a week to really live it to it’s fullest. To me Thanksgiving feels almost like a holy week in and…

random thoughts on a Monday

Six of the nine kids in my family will be here in the desert for Thanksgiving.  We will miss the three who live overseas and can’t make it, but we’re so excited to get this many.  We can hardly wait. We have been working our tails off crossing Turkey Trot stuff off the list before…