Today I get to do a give-away for Shabby Apple.

For advertising conflict purposes this give-away has been moved to my new “Give-Away” blog. To check out this give-away click here.

This give-away is now closed. Thank you for entering!


  1. Love it! Hope I win! That would be a nice change for me, compared to the usual mommy outfit… you know, the ones that have boogers, spit up and stains on them!

  2. Love Shabby Apple! I was all planning on getting my perfect dress there and then I found out I was pregnant and decided the money needed to go to maternity clothes. Someday I'll get that dress!

  3. i love this site my mom told me about it a few weeks ago and needles to say i to fell in love.thanks for your blog it inspires me to be a better person and mother.

  4. Oh for the L O V E. I soooo need a new dress to wear at my son's baby blessing next month and that dress is amazing. Thanks for the chance. Oh, I liked shabby apple.

  5. I have been dreaming of a Shabby Apple dress for years, no kidding. One day I will actually own one — just maybe it will be today!

    and on another note, I recently started your "secrets" book and am enjoying every minute of it. Thank you.

  6. i just showed the missionaries and my mom your video:) they were excited that their golf pro mission pres got his own video on there. anyway, love the dress too:)

  7. I would love to win it because even with 15 years I think it´s important to show your beauty in modest clothes like this wonderfull dress 🙂
    I also love purple because it´s the color of spirituality that i would love to carry with me 🙂

  8. Gorgeous! How fun would it be to have a new dress! For some reason I'm always buying dresses for my girls and never for me. . .oh yeah, it's because they keep growing out of their old ones 🙂 Great giveaway!

  9. I LOVE Shabby Apple but haven't been able to purchase anything. Hard times, ya know! Would love to win! By the way, your blog is awesome.

  10. What a great giveaway!!! I LOVE Shabby Apple, and it would be great to have a nice, new dress after having this baby! (I'm due April 6th!) 🙂

    supermegs28 at yahoo dot com

  11. What a Beauteous Dress! If I won {I know it's probably a Random Pick} but if I did, I'd be more than happy to give you the dress 😀 With all you do, you sure do deserve it!

  12. an easter dress would be fabulous especially since new clothes always seem to be for those younger (kids) than me! Your blog keeps me smiling.

  13. Love Shabby Apple – was one of those sites I found when I just became Momo and had not a clue how to revamp my wardrobe to be modest and cute. I found Shabby through a friend who got married and used their dresses for her bridesmaids dress and I was hooked!

  14. My wife would look wonderful in this! With 2 young boys she always seems to buy them new clothes but never anything nice for herself! It would make a wonderful surprise for her Mothers Day!

  15. Ooh I have been eyeing dresses over there since Enjoying the Small Things did a giveaway. I was bummed when I didnt win. So yay for another chance! I am in love with a sunshine yellow dress there! 🙂

  16. What a gorgeous, yummy purple! I'll be the purple people eater! Just kidding..although I did just have a baby and could pass for it! It could be my inspiration to loose this extra poundage.

  17. I just heard of shabby apple for the first time last week, and here they come again. I totally need a new dress. I look like I'm from the late 90's when I go to church. 🙂

  18. I have wanted a Shabby Apple dress for over a year now, but being a newlywed it just doesn't work with the budget 🙁 Would love to win!

  19. i like it on facebook using my mother account concidering i dont have a facebook:( but i would love a dress considering i really need an 8th grade graduation dress!!! 🙂

  20. Thanks for sharing ANOTHER website that I don't need to shop from.I'm trying to have willpower here. Super cute stuff…..I'll have to "favorite" it now.

  21. My aunt is just got engaged and when I found out I told her she had to look at Shabby Apple dresses for all her nieces! Love your dresses – they are all so cute and fun!

  22. It is so hard to find modest dresses here in Australia (and ones that look so cute!). I would love to win this dress!!! Hopefully my location doesn't put me out of the running.
    Thanks for such an inspiring blog 🙂

  23. Do they do maternity? That is what I need. If not, I love that purple dress you love. So simple and classic. Guess that could be motivation to get back into shape. 🙂

  24. I have been checking that site out, searching for the perfect outfit for my brother's summer wedding in Idaho. Winning would be awesome 🙂

  25. Since my husband just got laid off, I thought there was no way for a new Easter dress. Thanks for the chance to win a new dress!

  26. they never go wrong do they at shabby apple. I have my eye on the Mt. Greyhood dress. I also love this one for spring! Love the neckline detail! thanks for the discount code!

  27. oh lovely! thanks for a chance. and thank you for your sweet blog- I feel like you are a friend even when you don't know me from adam 🙂 but- you are very appreciated.

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