…and it’s her BIRTHDAY today.
23 years old.
I still remember when I could barely pull that hair of hers into puny ponytails.

Oh I was so proud!
This girl has never been afraid to make her own style:
Has always been one to jump up and give away part of her heart:

She’s not afraid to fight for what she wants:

The best adventure partner:

Did I mention her sense of style?:)

Has the best sense of humor:

(Why does that make me chuckle still as I sit here and write this??)
She’s not afraid to forge her own paths:

She is an artist in all kinds of mediums:

Not afraid to try new things:

Ok, maybe afraid, but will do it anyway, and LOVE what comes.

She is a hero for her sisters, all four:

And a hero to her brother too:

Knew how to find the best husband:

Sometimes not-so-smart in the sun category:)

(But very smart in the grocery shopping category…you gotta have cookie ingredients)
Owns that height of hers:

I am so grateful that not only is she my girl, but she’s one of my best friends in the whole wide world.

Love you forever Elle Belle!
Have the best birthday ever!
I LOVE YOU MAMMA GIRL. YOU ARE MY BESTIE FOR THE RESTIE. Hahha love you. <3 and you forgot how good my grammar is but ya i love you.
I love her too, Elle! This post made me smile and them laugh and then remember so many great times with you, and then rejoice that you were the firstborn in this fabulous family!
Firstborn girl 🙂 I think she counts her lucky stars that she comes after the firstborn boy who had to go first on so many things just like I count my lucky stars I got to come after Saren to show me the way.