2013-03-31 Easter 72200(Apparently that’s Max’s “funny face”…) I’m going to let the pictures do the talking (and Elle do the videographing over here :).2013-03-31 Easter 72126 Screen Shot 2013-04-02 at 11.42.44 AM2013-03-31 Easter 721282013-03-31 Easter 721322013-03-31 Easter 721352013-03-31 Easter 721412013-03-31 Easter 721462013-03-31 Easter 721482013-03-31 Easter 721632013-03-31 Easter 721692013-03-31 Easter 721712013-03-31 Easter 721732013-03-31 Easter 721752013-03-31 Easter 721802013-03-31 Easter 721872013-03-31 Easter 72193 2013-03-31 Easter 721992013-03-31 Easter 72205 2013-03-31 Easter 722142013-03-31 Easter 722162013-03-31 Easter 72222 2013-03-31 Easter 722252013-03-31 Easter 722272013-03-31 Easter 722282013-03-31 Easter 722312013-03-31 Easter 722382013-03-31 Easter 722472013-03-31 Easter 722492013-03-31 Easter 722512013-03-31 Easter 722562013-03-31 Easter 722672013-03-31 Easter 722682013-03-31 Easter 722692013-03-31 Easter 722722013-03-31 Easter 722752013-03-31 Easter 722782013-03-31 Easter 722802013-03-31 Easter 723022013-03-31 Easter 723062013-03-31 Easter 723192013-03-31 Easter 723222013-03-31 Easter 723232013-03-31 Easter 723322013-03-31 Easter 723362013-03-31 Easter 723452013-03-31 Easter 723512013-03-31 Easter 723692013-03-31 Easter 72390 It was a good day. 

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  1. I love the string leading to the Easter baskets! My daughter, Lucy, has the same dress as Claire. I was looking at it as we were walking home from church, wondering why they made it so short. But it looks like a great length on Claire, so I guess my daughter is just too tall.

  2. Max cracks me up. He is just like my 16 year-old son. BTW, I noticed my 11 year-old reading your blog the other day. I thought it was pretty cute!

  3. I'm not the type to comment but I just wanted to post and say thank you for sharing your life. Right now we have 2 kids and I constantly think about how many kids we want. I know we want at least one more, then I see pictures and hear about the fun adventures your family has (and the craziness that comes along with it all) and I realize I want that. I want to be surrounded by love and surround my children with love.

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