hiking season in the desert…

…has begun. Ok, well it probably goes right through the summer for the dedicated hikers around here.  But I’m a little wimpy and can’t seem to get excited about it when it’s over 100 degrees.   It’s been gorgeous here the last couple weeks…even some good rain.  So one day after the biggest rain washed in…

spring hiking in the desert

It is spring here in the desert.  Everything is in full bloom.  The flowers are budding, the birds are chirping, and if only I could bottle up the smell of the orange blossoms filling the air everywhere you go.  Oh boy.   It’s all glorious except for the fact that all those blossoms create pollen…

one great desert hike to welcome the *slightly* cooler weather

one great desert hike to welcome the *slightly* cooler weather

Every now and again these days I can feel it: the slightest twinge of nip in the air. Oh and it’s pretty glorious when that happens in the desert after all the excessive summer heat. Because do you know what that means? Hiking season. Here’s one great desert hike to welcome the *slightly* cooler weather….

one great way to take in wildflowers in the desert

one great way to take in wildflowers in the desert

I’m trying to catch my breath from some things that happened this last weekend…phew! But for now let’s just talk about last week. Because leading up to earth day we got to celebrate the earth a few times. To start with, a few friends and I decided we were going to seize the day and go hiking so we could take in all the wildflowers in the desert.

Alpacas, eye screenings, and hiking a portion of the famous Inca Trail in Peru

Alpacas, eye screenings, and hiking a portion of the famous Inca Trail in Peru

The intro to this post (along with two backstories), is in the last post back HERE. We all fell in love with Peru. The people: The colors: The culture: The architecture: The history: That “Sacred Valley” filled up with all it’s beauty. But let’s go back to the beginning. Because even that was an experience….