desert glory

desert glory

There are many times I forget why in heaven’s name we live in the desert. Those are the days when I can’t even think very straight since I’m just trying to keep from melting in the heat. But in the winter? That is when I remember. Right now we live in a wonderland I tell…

spring hiking

Ok, now we are home and I still didn’t post this, but here we go, get ready for lots of posts after this… better late than never… _______________________________________________________________________ Hello from London where we are visiting my sister. Oh boy, do I ever have a lot to catch up on here, but we are sure living…

February little things

February little things

We may as well start out this February wrap with a volleyball picture, because boy howdy, this was a condensed volleyball season (18s club season is packed full so all the committed players can get moving with their college teams before summer rolls around). And I don’t think there could be a better team to…

January little things

January little things

Ok let’s get down to business and crank out a recap of January. We started out this brand new year with a little double date to the Fiesta Bowl with these two: Max and Abby were in Texas this Christmas, we missed them but got them before Christmas so we survived:) (The Fiesta bowl along…