Elle had a choir performance a couple weeks ago. I took pictures of our family waiting for it to begin because I wanted to record our motley crew. We were actually there early so we could get good seats, but don’t let that fool you that we were put together. I was on a conference call for the BBS Board the whole time (it was muted so my fellow board members didn’t have the pleasure of hearing the concert, but I had already missed two of them because of family and/or out-of-town conflicts and really needed to be on that call). Elle came and found us. Dave gave her an exuberant pep talk that made us all laugh. Because he’s a professional singer like that…
Max walked over to meet us fresh from a few hours of volleyball practice. Lucy kept busy on the iPad while the other kids were performing a three-ring circus around her. Dave had had a long day, poor guy:
Sometimes I tell my kids I wish I were Elasta-girl (from the Incredibles) so that I could help everyone at the same time with my stretchy arms. That night I kinda felt like I got my wish as I juggled my camera taking pictures and video with my phone to my ear and kept Lucy occupied (Dave had to cut out early) as we watched that sparkling girl sing up there.
She did awesome. I love choir performances. And wow, there are some exciting things coming up with BBS. Some great clinical trials we are excited about as well as a research center specifically for BBS kids which I’ll have to tell more about later. So, dear fellow audience members, I’m sorry for our continual motion. At least it was semi-quiet motion and Lucy didn’t start howling. Good job Elle Belle.
Nothing makes me happier than to see that my grandchildren are loving music (and their parents)!
This is the story of my life too!