I know I’ve mentioned it before, but oh how I love Easter and all the prep.
I talked about some of the things we were doing to prepare back HERE along with the “Holy Week” stuff, but we waited for the egg decorating until my parents arrived.
I love egg coloring.
I love that in Romania they always color the first eggs red.
Then they “chock” them together and one person says “Jesus resurrected,” and the other person says “it is true, He resurrected.” Next year I’ll get better at teaching my kids how to say that in Romanian (it’s beautiful and it rhymes like a beautiful little poem), but this year at least we got one egg colored red…we’re on the right path, right?
It was fun to have my mother here because she hung around with me to keep painting even after everyone else cleared out.
Grace was pretty into it this year and did a little egg photoshoot when we were done 🙂
She and her friends helped us paint some too. They looked up lots of cool ideas on Pinterest.
We had a special breakfast with my parents and my brother on Good Friday and finished off our “Holy Week” discussion before everyone scrambled their separate ways.
Our neighbors were in the pageant this year so it was extra exciting to look for them.
And then it was on to Easter Sunday…
Hopefully I’ll get in gear and get those pics up tomorrow.
Happy Wednesday!
It was SO fun to be there for all these festivities!