Which made me jump at the chance to introduce her to C.S. Lewis. Oh boy do I ever love those books. Such velvety memories of my Dad reading them to me on hot nights at Bear Lake to lull all of us kids to sleep.
We started in on reading it together: Lu, Claire and I all snuggled up together on the couch.
When bedtime hit I promised we’d read more the next day, but Lucy just couldn’t quite get enough.
When I went in to check on her an hour later I found her huddled next to her lamp reading her little heart out.
I told her she was in big trouble…with a big smile on my face. How can you ever get mad at a book worm?
She finished the next day and Claire and I had to catch up later. She had left us in the dust. I teared up once again at all the symbolism and beauty in that classic tale, told so beautifully by C.S. Lewis.
Everyone was so excited to get nestled in our seats ready for the play to start.
(LOVE those friends.)
It was kind of a big fiasco since they overbooked how many schools could attend and there were hundreds of excited third graders crowded in, many with no place to sit. But somehow they worked it all out and Lucy was mesmerized with that play…
…especially with the other Lucy who was friends with Aslan in the play. The actress playing Lucy happened to be one of Grace’s cute friends so Lucy was extra excited to meet her after the play.
As we read that amazing book and watched the rendition of it on stage my heart was so full for the “deeper magic” Aslan explains to Susan and Lucy.
How grateful I am that there really is a deeper magic. That God is a God of second chances. That the Atonement is key to the whole plan of salvation and that we are smack-dab in the middle of the season to celebrate the birth the One who made it all possible.
I remember vividly my own 3rd grade teacher reading this book to our class and then receiving the entire 7 book set for Christmas that year. What a treat – I love those books (I especially loved Voyage of the Dawn Treader!) and all that they represent. So glad your girl is loving them too.
love it!!!!
oh and I just got your christmas card.. ooh it's beautiful!!.. I didn't do obe this year.. now I'm regretting it lol
Shawni, I just love your blog! Thank you so much for sharing your life!
Deeply love this post!