I love that really the only thing Lucy asked for for Christmas was tickets to go to the symphony. Well, that and sharpie markers (ha!) but the symphony was her biggest wish. She wanted to have the sound of all those instruments harmonizing together wash over her.
She was pretty delighted when she opened the envelope on Christmas morning: tickets for a date with her mom and dad to the symphony.
That girl is golden.
You know when, as a parent, you give your child a gift you know they really, really appreciate? That is pretty golden too.
Even better? It happened to be the “Ultimate ABBA Tribute” night at the symphony. And Lucy adores ABBA.
So she had been anxiously anticipating that night ever since Christmas. And it finally arrived last week.
We had stars in our eyes as we walked into our symphony hall while Dave parked…those glittering fancy chandeliers welcoming us in.

And we all loved it.
Well, except for the singing… Ha!
Lu was a little miffed that after those musical instruments filled up that concert hall with all their gorgeous melodious harmonies as a prelude, six people from Finland came out in colorful suits and sang all the songs. They were actually so, so good, and Dave and I loved them. Lucy felt like they took away from the instruments a tad bit.
But she was able to tuck her annoyance aside and really fill up with love for that place and that date and that music and that piece of culture she brought her parents to enjoy that night.

I loved standing with everyone else for the standing ovation, just so grateful for talented people who can make such beautiful music. Especially the cellos:)

And for my girl.
If there had to be singers, at least there was Dairy Queen after.
Culture at it’s finest:)
Sending love out this Tuesday morning!