This is how much room we have on the edges of our car to back out of our garage:2013-01-12 iPhone 68610I think Max is officially better at it than I am. This is how Max feels about my picture taking:2013-01-12 iPhone 68623…but I had to send that pic. to Dave in China to let him know his son was turning into him, wearing all his clothes. Elle likes to flip her hair with friends for cool pictures.2013-01-13 elle's iPhone 68973 I bought myself some flowers for Dave to give me while he was in China cause I figured he’d want to:)2013-01-14 iPhone 68635See those roses in the background?  They are the ones he actually sent Max out to get for me.  Great minds think alike I guess. We worked diligently on Valentine’s boxes.  That’s one of my fav. parts about Valentine’s Day.2013-02-05 misc 69190 Dave and I were out of town for the big day this year so I was glad to have a little time thinking love with my girls before we left.2013-02-05 misc 69192 Grace got to be introduced to Young Women at “New Beginnings” a couple weeks ago.  I cannot believe she’s growing up so darn fast!2013-02-06 iPhone 69820We accidentally matched. It was so nice to go and just enjoy New Beginnings and not be one of the ones in charge of it like I was last time I attended back here. (Oh I sure miss those girls though!!) Lucy’s latest artwork:2013-02-06 misc 691962013-02-06 misc 691982013-02-06 misc 69199 Our winter neighborhood:2013-02-07 iPhone 69828 Things that keep the girls busy:2013-02-07 iPhone 698362013-02-08 iPhone 69861 My kids are getting great at forging my signature.  Not sure if I should be pleased or mortified about that…2012-12-04 iPhone 65911 I loved this picture of the Nana Christmas sleepover (yeah, I’m still catching up with Christmas stuff).  I love that she does special things with each group of grandkids each Christmas.2012-12-14 Christmas prep 66996 This was Max and his goofy club volleyball team in one of their last tournaments before Christmas.2012-12-15 holiday stuff 66510 They had so much fun together this year, and we’re so excited for the school season to begin so soon.2012-12-15 holiday stuff 66512 My brother had a birthday in January along with me and Claire.  These girls and I went out to lunch and surprised him in his classroom.2013-01-15 iPhone 68638 We are so lucky to have this guy live close to us.  2013-01-15 untitled 67880 My cute nephew did his Eagle project picking all the citrus in a neighborhood to give to the food bank.  We picked SO many oranges, and all I got was a picture of the doughnut table….2013-01-19 iPhone 68659 We celebrated Claire’s birthday with cousins the night before the big day.2013-01-20 Claire's birthday 68364 Not sure why I have this picture of a Sorry game, but here you go.2013-01-11 untitled 67829 When Elle wants to go ice skating, she has a lot of friends who are willing to accompany her.2013-01-21 elle's iPhone 68969 I love when we spy rainbows.  2013-01-27 iPhone 68780 …especially when they go across the whole sky.2013-01-27 iPhone 68781 My niece is an awesome cheerleader.  We got to go watch her routine before they competed for state.2013-01-30 iPhone 69057Yeah, Max is wha‘cha call tall. Claire’s friend’s family got Imagine Dragons tickets for the best deal ever.  They took Claire with them.  Is that not the luckiest thing ever?  Especially since she ADORES Imagine Dragons? 2013-02-08 Costa Rica 69272 The coolest thing about it is that they happened to sit next to the guitar player’s mother, who invited them back stage after it was over:IMG_2518Yeah, according to Claire it was pretty much the luckiest night of her whole life. I’m still wondering how a nine-year-old can like music so much… This was kind of a “sideways heart” sunset the girls and I thought was cool on the way to gymnastics one night.2013-01-31 iPhone 69073

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  1. We have the same amount of space in our garage with the cars. It's tricky! I won't admit how many times we've had to have some sort of minor body work.

  2. I love that your kids are working on mastering your signature. Mine have done the same and sadly, I find it to come in quite handy. I'm considering giving personalized stamps of peoples signature to new mothers for baby shower gifts. I am so done signing everything around here!

  3. Does Clair know that the lead singer for Imagine Dragons, Dan is L.D.S. and I believe one more band member is too. Dan was in my old ward in Vegas. He comes from an awesome family, he's a great guy too! Love the band, lucky her!

  4. Okay, strange question, where did that cute kiddo get his I heart Old People sweatshirt? My 18 year old son just adores his "old people" as he lovingly refers to his grandparents! He would love that hoody!

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