Yesterday the big day finally came.

The birthday-countdown-chain (from this post) dwindled down from this:
…to one lonely link.

And with that, my baby turned five.
Birthday pictures would not be complete without her marker-colored fingers showing off how old she is.

She had a wing-dinger of a birthday and it kept me so busy I didn’t have time to sit down and cry.

I think Heavenly Father was so wise to give me Lucy as my last baby. Her slower development in some areas makes me celebrate her milestones rather than mourn them and go into depression like another child might. (More about her being my last back here.)

But still, I cannot believe that my last baby is five years old.

Five things I adore about Lucy:

1) The way she nods her head in conviction with her eyes closed when she agrees to something.

2) The way her imagination works taking her into a wonderland with her princesses.

3) She is orderly. She is always making sure doors and drawers are closed and she’s generally good at putting things away.

4) The way she adores her Dad. She cannot get enough of him and it melts my heart.

5) I love her feisty, feisty personality (at least the times when it doesn’t drive me absolutely nutty). It’s going to get her where she needs to be in life.

We sure love this girl.

We are in post-party relaxation mode and we are so looking forward to watching general conference in our pajamas today. I love how conference always happens to hit when I am at my wit’s end with keeping up with life. I love having those words of wisdom wash over me and buoy me up for the next six months.

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  1. Happy birthday, Lucy! What a cutie patootie you have on your hands.
    I agree. General Conference always comes EXACTLY when I need it most. Just more proof of the Lord's enduring love and mercy.

  2. You don't know me, but I love your blog. Lucy shares the same birthday as my daughter Megan, even the same year, she just turned 5 on October 1st as well. Happy Birthday to both our cute girls! Oh, and my Megan even has the same dress that Lucy is wearing!

  3. A very happy belated birthday to your sweet little Lucy! Hope she enjoys 5.

    Oh, and those marker stained hands so remind me of my little one (who'll be 5 next month)

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