happy 70th, papa!

I am so overwhelmed with gratitude lately that I get to be related to my in-laws. I know many aren’t so lucky with in-laws. I’ve heard some crazy, nutty stuff which makes me sad. But I have to write about how much I love these guys. Cause I thank my lucky stars on a daily…

my weekend

I had a very interesting weekend last weekend (and it all happened with my real camera sitting in my laundry room at home, so please forgive the pictures). I went up to the National American Mothers Convention that happened to be in Salt Lake City this year (it takes place in a different city each…

Anniversary Number 3 for two kids heading on a new adventure

Anniversary Number 3 for two kids heading on a new adventure

First off, thanks for the continuing tips and advice as we’re still working on the blog design. Really hoping to get some things fixed up this week. But for today, let’s do a little celebrating. Because mixed in with all the Easter hoopla last week, we also celebrated an anniversary around here. Yep, anniversary number…

still-face experiment

still-face experiment

Until I can get to Christmas recapping (hope everyone had a wonderful holiday), here I am to share one more take-away from my developmental psychology class because I really liked this video. (Actually, my sister shared this video clip with me a couple years before and I’ve thought of it often since then, and loved…



preface: I am only giving myself thirty minutes to write this post (trying to carve out some time to be here to clear my thoughts before our we all need to get going around here)…so please forgive me if I don’t say everything perfectly (which I never do anyway!)…there is a lot to say at…

books lately

books lately

Ok I have really been holding firm to my goal to read at least two books each month in 2019 and I’m loving it. (My memorization goal, on the other hand, isn’t going quite so hot, but we don’t have to talk about that right now! ha!) I can’t quite keep up here writing about…