Elle & Carson’s “sealing of the deal” at the temple

Elle & Carson’s “sealing of the deal” at the temple

Of all the things going on over Thanksgiving break, this part was my very favorite. Elle and Carson were sealed for Time and All Eternity at the temple. I loved sitting in that temple with all those people I love…family and extended family, sunlight sparking through those towering windows, Elle and Carson calm, happy, in…

a quick weekend filled up with “turning hearts”

a quick weekend filled up with “turning hearts”

Loved “turning the hearts” (Malachi 4:6) this weekend. First turning hearts “to the children” because my niece Emmeline came to town. Oh my goodness, she and Lucy are one of my favorite duos and Em got here just in time for Lucy’s choir performance “Night at the Opera” fundraiser at the school. I picked her…

ongoing learning

ongoing learning

The other day my friend told me how she finally put in the effort to learn how to solve a Rubik’s cube this summer. It was something she had always wanted to do, especially since she was so intrigued that her boys could do it so quickly, but she had never stopped for long enough…