mission relics

Max and I have spent some good time together since he got home just organizing his things.  Getting rid of the things still lingering from two years ago that he doesn’t need, acquiring some that he will need in Utah, and just getting life situated.   Part of that deal has involved sorting through and boxing…

Friday Q & A — home-schooling and missionaries

I’ve had several questions about home schooling, whether I’m doing it, what I’m doing, etc. The answer is yes, I’m home schooling Claire, but only for the last hour of her day which is English.  And really, what we’re doing is really not “home-school” English, it’s more what I like to call “experiential” English.  This…

missionary Monday

(on a Tuesday again) A few weeks ago Max got moved back to the big city of Taichung (from a smaller town called Jiayi).  It was tough for him to leave that place filled with so many people he loves so much, but he’s off on a new adventure in a new place. This is…

Missionary Monday

The things that every seasoned missionary parent has told me have come true: the first year passes like molasses.   You miss that young man of yours more than you ever thought could be humanly possible.   Then, as the long months start to melt away, you start to wonder if there really is a…