Sunday ponderings…on a Monday afternoon…thoughts on changes

I am writing from Claire’s President’s Day volleyball tournament where she’s reffing for a few games before hers begin.  And I figured now would be a good time to share some thoughts that have been rolling around in my brain.  Because there are lots of things to ponder about as many things in our church…

Sunday ponderings on a Friday — spiritual conversion & conference prep

There is this hike in Hawaii that has countless steps.  And although I’ve never personally taken that hike, I have wondered about all those steps as I’ve seen them hanging somewhat precariously peeking out from the lush greenery-laden volcanic mountains you can see from the freeway. I’ve thought about how we have so many of…

Sunday ponderings — keeping the doors of our hearts propped open

I’ve slacked off on my “Sunday ponderings” lately.  Sometimes I hesitate to share personal spiritual things.  But for some reason I feel like I really should share this one.  So here we go. Last week our whole family was here for church.   I got someone to sub for me teaching primary so I could be…