the reunion 2012

My Mom grew up in Montpelier, Idaho.  It is a tiny town close to Bear Lake (which stretches across the Utah/Idaho border).  Forty-three years ago, as a surprise wedding gift for his bride, my Dad used all of my Mom’s savings to buy a lot at Bear Lake.  Now, I don’t know for sure, but…

reunion aftermath

After the big reunion at Bear Lake each year we linger as long as we can. Friends come and go. We have late-night talks in the hot tub under the stars. We cook more. We clean more. The kids get further and further out of their daily routine until finally, at the end of our…

post reunion

We’ve been coming up here to Bear Lake for the summers for as long as I can remember. The number of people in our family who stick it out for the whole month has waxed and waned through the years. When we were young, it was mandatory we stay all three months. I loved it…until…

reunion stragglers

Yes, we are still here at the lake. We have to eek out every second we can up here. And we love it. I have some reunion stragglers I never posted. They just symbolize all the stuff we did because man alive, we packed those few days water tight.(My sister is quite artistic.)My sister-in-law and…


Gradually we picked up more and more people up at the lake until all 34 of us were there and the actual reunion began. That means two things: 1) 34 people create mayhem. It was pretty crazy…especially the meals, and 2) it was SO fun to be all together…to have time to really talk and…