Eyrealm Reunion

Here’s a selection of pictures from the grand 2007 reunion. Boy howdy we had fun. JUMPING Aunt Char is a world-famous jumper. She tried to teach us all how to do it… looks like the cousins need a little practice… and I couldn’t leave this one out… Bloomington Lake So there’s this little, gorgeous lake…

how two families found light in the “wilderness” — Sierra Leone

how two families found light in the “wilderness” — Sierra Leone

I’ve been thinking lately about how we each, individually, find ourselves in our own personal wildernesses. Over and over again. Are you with me? It could be a lost job, a lost relationship, a valley of misunderstandings, a loss of hope. And sometimes, just a really, really scary or unknown situation. Claire is in the…

December Little Things

December Little Things

Since my niece is trying to help me get this blog printed for a family record (slowly but surely!) I’m trying to get back to my “little things” posts. Plus, also I love to look back on a month. I figured I may as well start where I am for now…with December all wrapped up….