fun Christmas family games that will get everyone involved

fun Christmas family games that will get everyone involved

One part of Christmas I love the most is the opportunity to gather and connect with those I love. So I’ve been trying to figure out some fun Christmas family games that will get everyone involved for our gatherings coming up over the next couple weeks. And wouldn’t you know it, we have a few…

Sending Claire off…How the “big” kids took their sister under their wings and eased their mother’s heart in the process

Sending Claire off…How the “big” kids took their sister under their wings and eased their mother’s heart in the process

I thought I would be ok just sending Claire off to the MTC by herself. You see, she has eight more weeks of study there before she heads off to Australia. She has had a fair share of traveling alone, and had already “met” her companion, her district and her teachers online. It would be…

An official missionary and how the “Home MTC” works

An official missionary and how the “Home MTC” works

By the time this posts, Claire will be en route to her next adventure: the “official Missionary Training Center.” She will be in rigorous classes for eight more weeks from there, learning more Mandarin Chinese, and delving into the scriptures and gospel study. Most importantly, working on her foundation with Jesus Christ. We have been…

A mother/daughter art “treasure hunt” in Italy – our first “MFMP”

A mother/daughter art “treasure hunt” in Italy – our first “MFMP”

Our first “MFMP” trip is in the books. A Mother/daughter art “treasure hunt” in Italy. What is that, you may ask? Well, I have talked about our “MFME” mother/daughter gatherings in the past. MFME stands for “Mothers and Future Mothers of Eyrealm.” My mother wrangles us all, sisters and sisters-in-laws, and we do something together….