January little things

January little things

In the beginning of January (and the beginning of 2019 too!), we found ourselves entrenched in the frigid, snowy, beauty of Utah. I posted about that Utah trip and New Year’s Day back HERE. We had come up to help Max and Abby move into their apartment and ski. We were good at the helping-Max-and-Abby…

I’m speaking…

I always love a good motherhood pick-me-up.  Because this motherhood gig is not for the faint of heart, that’s for sure. When I was a young mom I always had motherhood books piled up on my nightstand to try to find tips for navigating and surviving the motherhood trenches.  Now with technology there are some…

my 2018 word — mindful

Well, now that it is the middle of November, I figure it’s a good time to unveil my “one word” for 2018.  Ha!  I think it’s taken me the first ten months of the year to wrap my head around that little word. It is MINDFUL. I was hesitant to pick that word because it’s…

social media quandaries, the good, the bad, and a disclaimer

Let’s talk about blogs and social media for a minute.   I’ve been out of the “social media” loop for a little while…doing my own little 10-day “fast” since that was encouraged by President Nelson as part of conference (which I wrote about back HERE).  And I think the jury is still out (at least to…

my {semi-new} screensaver

This is my “wallpaper” on my phone: I see it every time I lift it up to open up the “world” it holds. I have to click past that screen in order to get to my emails, texts, social media, etc. It is a reminder for me…not to think about what my purpose is in…

a rocky road

Lucy has had a rocky beginning to 6th grade. I have been in pretty good contact with her teachers, and there have been some random outbursts here and there that I was aware of.  It was tough for her to realize that she has her own aide to help her (as recommended by her teacher…

August little things

August started out with school wrangling us into a schedule.   So let’s start out with my newest HIGH SCHOOL GIRL Claire: That was her look of, “dang, I sure wish Grace were here with me, cause I’m pretty nervous, but dang, I’m soooooo excited!!” (Grace was still in The Dominican Republic and missed the first…

finding grit in dark times

It seems I’m deep in the thick of thoughts about World War II lately. This summer Dave and I watched Dunkirk.  I still find myself thinking about it here and there.  That is a beautifully haunting movie.  My favorite song filled up my favorite parts of the movie and made me cry.  I am so…

thoughts on entertaining children

Back when I read the Tech-Wise Family (here) I marked this page. It wasn’t so much tech-oriented, (although the purpose was to get kids away from technology), but it made me think about how I “entertain” our kids…or let them be entertained. The author was talking about having a “creativity station” (I don’t think he…