August little things

August little things

I’ve been trying to get back on my “little things” bandwagon for a while now. I am so dang far behind that it’s overwhelming, so I’m just starting where I am (at least a tiny bit recent). So let’s go back to August for a minute where Lu and I found ourselves in Wisconsin again…

a little fingertip confidence building to make kids feel love

a little fingertip confidence building to make kids feel love

Can you see those little almost-rubbed-off letters on those fingers up there? There was a night a few weeks ago where this girl needed a pretty serious pick-me-up. Sometimes high school transitions aren’t a walk in the park. Especially when you want with all your heart to be independent but your eyes are making that…

deliberate wife-hood

deliberate wife-hood

I want to talk about deliberate “wife-hood.” What is that, you may ask? Well, the act of “wifing” is just as important as the act of “mothering” or “parenting.” Maybe even more-so? I believe that when we have our husbands at the top of our priority-list, other things magically seem to fall into place. Yesterday…

2021 snapshot

2021 snapshot

Yow, here we are for our 2021 snapshot of how life is right here, right now. Down to the four of us living at home. I think it’s pretty amazing to sit down and try to do a snapshot this year. Never in a million years would I imagine last year when I was writing…

Claire is 17 today…

Claire is 17 today…

…and she is in a little bit of mourning about it. I mean, who wants to grow up when you’re having so much fun? And let’s be honest, I’m in a little mourning myself. It is so rude for these precious little bundles to morph into practical adults so quickly, don’t you think? Ha! But…