
After I crawled deliriously into bed at 12:23 last night Lucy promptly screamed her head off for no apparent reason from 12:28 a.m. until 3:07 a.m. this morning. Yep, that’s a little over 2 1/2 hours of pure, undiluted, high pitched screams (sorry neighbors!). It was pretty non-stop except for the 15 minutes I soaked…


A few years ago Elle got what she had been begging and begging for for Christmas: a new camera. She was delighted. And instead of going around taking pictures of her Christmas gifts or of her family, she promptly went about taking pictures of everything on our walls. A wrought iron piece of decor, each…

battle of the wills

I find it so interesting how Lucy can seem to get across exactly what she wants even when she can’t say much. Things like how she has to listen to Scripture Scouts every time we go anywhere in the car (she adores that dog in it). Or how she hates to take off her jammies…she…


Elle and Grace sang in church on Sunday. In sacrament meeting. All by themselves. (Just kindly ignore me in these pictures because no, I didn’t sing along with them…I just can’t find another picture of them together right now…) They just went up there and wrapped their little arms around each other in front of…


the get-away

Ok so I promise this is the last post on Christmas, but it’s one of the best things we did over the break so I couldn’t leave it out. Every year we have Christmas with our kids at our house. Love it. Love the traditions. Love concentrating on our kids and being together. BUT, until…

thank you

I just have to say “thank you” for all the phone calls and e-mails and comments about Lucy. I am so grateful for so many words of wisdom and concern. I am completely humbled by so many caring people. At this point we’re in a “wait-and-see” period as we wait for test results (8-10 weeks)…

Christmas stories

Oh my word. It’s been one heck of a week. Actually one heck of a month. I cannot believe it is December. Gradually through all the Thanksgiving festivities and house-guests and visitors our house has transformed into Christmas and we’ve begun one of our favorite traditions of reading a Christmas story under the Christmas tree…

Happy Halloween

Oh man I love Halloween. All these people dressing up…I love all the creativity. I wish I were one of those cool moms who dress up. Maybe next year… Anyway, this is my favorite picture from the festivities:…and this one comes in second: Lu the belly dancer was a serious grump. Is it because she’s…