We just had the best discussion as a family for Family Home Evening.  Dave gathered us to watch part of the “worldwide devotional for youth” from last week, and the room filled up with so much love and beauty as we had some deep discussions about life, and how we are living it.  How social media is affecting us.  We evaluated how we are serving and giving, and connecting with Heaven, and ways in which we can do better.

I wanted to share the video.  It is very, very good.  I don’t care if you are a part of our same religion or not, there are some pretty beautiful, universal things shared that I promise you and your family will love and relate to in some deep and meaningful ways.

(That is just the talks themselves, the whole thing with music is HERE.)

I want to challenge anyone reading this to watch at least part of that devotional together as a family or with someone you love and discuss it.  And with that challenge I can vouch that there will be some very beautiful light and goodness that will come from it.

Just sharing a little love this Sunday.

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One Comment

  1. My oldest is ten, but I watched this last Sunday. I love how in touch President and Sister Nelson are with the times we live in. Thank you for sharing goodness as always.

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