Gosh, I’m so nostalgic going through pictures of the dads in my life this morning!
And I want to write a whole novel about them but I think it’s more important to really BE with them so I’m going to let the pictures tell most of the story.
I’m so grateful for my dad.

For his visions, his goals, his ability to think so big.

He always has a plan, ideas pouring out of his head, wanting to change the world (and he’s done so much of that!)

Yet he has the amazing ability to hone in on the “one” right along with that big-picture mentality:

The things he taught me not only through posters and goals, big plans and visions and the best example, but mostly because he knew me. He knew the way to get into my heart. He knew how to motivate, how to truly love. He was always there, really the first one I went to with any worries.
And taught me to love and worship that Father in Heaven in pretty beautiful ways.

He has an amazing ability for expansion…now his “GRAND” fathering is right up there with his fathering. Always teaching but always accompanied with his quirky imagination so that everyone is magnetized to him and LOVES to be around him every minute they can.

Oh! I love him more than words can say.

And then there’s Dave’s dad…who holds one of the best hearts a man can hold.
Who gave part of that good, gracious heart to his son:

…and to me too:

And all that love trickles down into all of his grandkids as well in such beautiful ways:

And then there’s Dave.
The father of my children, the best partner in parenting I could ever ask for.

He makes our kids eyes look like this:

He is the most fiercely protective father, who knows all the right questions to ask:

Yet makes things pretty fun along the way.

He wants to give our kids every chance to learn and grow in the world:

And I love that he hones in on each of them. Asks the best questions. Lifts them and expects a lot.

He’s a pretty dang good sport at being surrounded on all sides by girls:

Counts himself so lucky to have one golden boy:

And is always up for an adventure.

He will hold back with whoever is in need. Has gained so much patience over the years.

…and has showed them new worlds in thought and in deed.

And I must say, he’s looks pretty good while doing it all:)

Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful men out there who make their family’s worlds go around.
Dads are incredible.
Wow Shawni,I love your posts so much.They are so inspiring
This was really a labor of love for all these Fabulous Fathers! Thanks for the time it took to find all those pictures and spill out all that love! Dad is over the moon seeing pictures that he hasn’t seen for a long time and some that he’s never seen! When is Daughter’s Day? We’d love to pour out some serious love on you too!.
Your parents are sweethearts. One of the best ones I’ve ever seen.