He taught me the depths of cherishing others.

To hold onto the goodness of people. And to honor memories.

Especially his dad. Grandpa Dean.

He taught me to scuba dive.

And to notice the beauty in one blade of grass.

He taught me to ask questions.

And that God is there. Always.

He taught me that God does not give us the spirit of fear.

But that JOY is the purpose of life. His purpose for me.

He taught me to take as much confidence as I wanted.

And also that the more I reached out of myself, the happier I’d be.

He helped me understand the gift of the sabbath.

And also the gift of my family…the building block of society.

He taught about saving and giving.

He encouraged compassion. He embraced adventure. He talked to everyone.

He made me feel safe. With the perfect mixture of boundaries and freedom.

And now, those things he rippled down to us,

Are rippling down to the next generation.

And the next.

I picture Baby Murphy reciting her own “Grandfather-Great Secrets” one day.

Her life becoming better because of the seeds he planted.

And his father planted.

And HIS father planted.

The ripples and beauty of FATHERHOOD.

Has the power to change the world.

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  1. Shawni, Would you be willing to share the list of Grandfathers Secrets in order of age? Your link shows a snippet screenshot, but so many would benefit from the full list. Thanks for considering ♥️

  2. BEAUTIFULLY written!!!
    I love this so very much!!!
    You’re such a talented writer & your thoughts are so well organized. 🤍

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