A while back I was asked to help celebrate the anniversary of the “Family Proclamation”  (I think this is the second year they have done it and I felt lucky to be able to help again.)  There were lots of people involved and the girl who spearheaded it all did an awesome job highlighting all different aspects of the wonders of family for the month of September.
My post about putting your spouse first was featured here and there are lots of other posts celebrating how great family life is before and after that one.

I get a lot of questions about our trip to India and what Rising Star was like.  I think the coolest thing would be to send my kids there for a summer after they graduate from high school.  Elle is already plotting how to get her friends pumped up about going over there with her and doing a month of service.  I think she was pretty positively influenced by those amazing kids totally in charge of all the service over there. 

Anyway, I thought I would post links to some of their blogs to help squelch any fears anyone may have who may be thinking of sending a high-schooler/post-high-schooler over there.  These are some pretty neat girls:


Serious semester abroad in India:

Last thing: I feel so lucky that I got to be one of the authors in the new Power of Moms book that just barely got delivered to my doorstep:
2012-10-19 lake powell 63513

Deliberate Motherhood: 12 Key Powers of Peace, Purpose, Order & Joy

Does that title (and subtitle) get you pumped up or what?  I’ve read some of the other chapters and they are really SO good.  I can’t wait to sink my teeth into that one…I’m feeling the need for some motherhood inspiration lately.  To get your own copy click here.

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  1. Thanks! I'm interested in both. I have a 9th grade girl who would love to read up on serving in a country like India.
    And, I'm a mom who would love some peace and order.

  2. Ahhh! My husband grew up with Jamie Fifield (from the first India blog) and her family!!! Her brother was the best man at our wedding and a GREAT friend to my husband (her brother passed away about 6 years ago). Anyway, I had no idea she was doing this!
    I love how you don't put limits on your children to what they can do and accomplish. What a great experience this would be for Elle!

  3. I just found your blog by accident but glad I stuck around to read. I love what you are all about! What a great post, I just love all the goodness in your blog, really looking forward to reading old and new posts!

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