This was the result of having time on President’s Day: Love those creative (sometimes moody and sullen:) teenage girls.
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Totally loved that. How creative.
So fun!
That is great!!!
How cute are they!
hahaha…So LOVE this!!!!!Great job girls!!!!
this is how all teenagers should roll!
almost makes me want to be a teenager again …. almost.
incredibly cute. looks like a great group of friends!
How fun! I only hope that my kids are so cute and creative when they become teens. 🙂
So cute and creative. My daughter is wondering where they all find their really cute clothes- which stores??
Loved it!! Totally brightened my day!!! Such creativity!!!
Loved that! Super creative!!
Oh, what fun!
Amazing! Love it!
Could Elle be any taller? What a beauty!!
What a creative bunch of girls! Such a cute video. Did they have a TON of wall to work with? I can't figure how else they could have made that in one day! Sorry, I don't mean to grill you, but my eight-year-old watched it with me and now wants to make a video like that with his brother. Any advice about the chalk? Did they wash the wall off after each photograph and just wait for it to dry? I mean, you are in AZ after all. 😀 😀 😀
So totally cute! 🙂