Is anyone else out there with me that junior year is the toughest yet?
It seems like that’s been the case for most of my kids, and Lucy is no exception. But then again, every year has been the toughest yet for that girl since having a severe vision impairment is no joke. She works her tail off at school and can never quite get caught up. She’s one of my most conscientious kids too, so this end-of-junior-year maneuvering is tricky business.
So what in heaven’s name does that have to do with the party here in the desert in the title?
Well, my hard-working and extremely conscientious Lucy was willing to put some of her work on hold to enjoy extended family a few weeks ago. Because when Dave’s sister Julie and her family come to town, they have a knack for making things pretty fun around here.

Yep, the numbers are much more sparse than they were in the “old days” when these guys would come to town. All our older kids were best of friends and would be thick as thieves maneuvering every way to miss school and get together. Back in those days they would stay with us and we would gather as extended family all the time.
But how the years have flown by! Now all those big kids are grown up and gone, many married, and even with their own babies now. But boy, we still sure adore getting together with whoever makes it down to the desert.
It was so fun that Dave’s other sister Carol Lynn was also on spring break (and Easter holiday) and came to help make the fun down here too. Love that we got to have one night with just her amidst all the gatherings.

She is one of the most kind and gracious people I know. Love that Carol Lynn!
It happened to be gorgeous weather. Well, I guess they all arrived in time for Easter when it was rainy and cold.
But we braved through that and it was gorgeous by the time we got to gather for my niece Hallie’s senior tennis night. Lu was pretty happy about that!

Most of these people live here, for crying out loud…it’s just so much trickier to get together these days!!
But oh how we love them all. (It was BeReal time at the tennis match, obviously, and us Pothiers think that’s pretty fun 🙂

A quick gathering for a women’s lunch:

Remember all those kids I was talking about at the beginning who would beg for sleepovers and figure out any way they could to be together? The ones who are all grown up? The majority of them are in Utah and get together for “Survivor Nights” each Wednesday night. Hoards of cousins all crammed together, loving being together.
So if family is ever in town we tend to have our own Survivor night here:

One of the nephews is awesome at making invites every week.

(That pic is taken after some had to leave.)
We had just this group all to ourselves one afternoon for swimming and games (much to Lucy’s delight):

And also one last gathering at Nana and Papa’s…just like “the good old days.”

Thank you, dear sister-in-laws, for coming to town and creating an excuse to get us all together. Dave was out of town and sadly had to miss it all, darn it! Sure love this family I got to marry into.
I have a PhD and was recently chatting with some old friends from grad school and their high school and college aged kids. We ALL still think junior year was the hardest year of school we ever faced! Major empathy for Lucy!