It was a strange Easter this year.
Strange as in different, but also pretty awesome.
Strange because first of all, it was rainy and cold. That doesn’t happen very much in the desert. It was 80 degrees and sunny the day before and then dropped twenty degrees with gray skies for Easter Sunday.
We’ll take it, because we know it’s going to be sweltering here before we know it.
Ok, and the second reason Easter was strange this year was because we were down to THREE of us here at home.

Yep, three.
Dave was on a trip with Max, and when does that ever get to happen? Never. We were so excited for them to be together and we were pretty excited to be together here too.
We have early church (8:30am), and it was so good. Just a program filled up with Jesus and music.
Then we came home to have Grace and Lu follow their traditional strings leading to their Easter baskets. Nope, never too old for that in Lucy’s opinion. She got a kick out of the fact that her string led right through the dog door this year.

I love the things that will delight my Lu.

Grace got an Easter basket too, of course, but wasn’t quite as excited about the string;)

More excited about our traditional eggs Benedict.
That meal is still a bit of an ordeal just for four of us (Josh joined us for breakfast), but gosh, I sure love to cook with Grace in the kitchen.
I actually learned how to poach eggs a new way this year which I was pretty proud of…I’ll have to share when I share the eggs Benedict recipe some day. For now, here are my cute girls ready to enjoy the fruits of our Easter breakfast labors:

Too bad I took that picture up there before Josh got there, dang it. Loved having him too.
We did a little Easter lesson:

Pothier Women’s Conference on easter
Ha! That sounds quite formal, but it was really just this:

And it was one of my favorite parts of Easter.
Let’s get a better look at those amazing women I get to have in my life:

(Elle sent that Murphy/Abby one later, and not pictured: Lucy asleep on the floor in front of the fire…yep, we had the fire on on Easter).
Oh I sure like those girls of mine.
Here’s Lu before we got on the call and she promptly fell asleep:)

Dinner at Paul & Angela’s
We always go to Paul & Angela’s for dinner and we love that tradition with extended family.
Grace is holding one of the two big salads we brought…I do so love whipping up things together in the kitchen.

Talking to our missionaries (a cousin up above, Claire down below).

Nothing quite like cousins!

Easter Egg Hunts
Getting ready for the “little kid” Easter egg hunt in the back:

And the “big kid” hunt in the front:

So weird how old all these kids are getting!!

Grandparents with about half of the grandkids and a couple great-grandkids:

(I kinda like that stop sign in the background, I wish all these kids would obey when it comes to growing up too fast!)
And Nana and Papa with my girls. Oh how we love those grandparents!

And I sure love these girls of mine.

A birthday for dessert.

And that was a wrap.
But I loved coming back home to this new drawing of Jesus I just got from Rose Datoc Dall:

Still trying to find a place to hang it, but wanted to have it out, even in it’s shipping plastic, to celebrate Easter. Love it so much!
And being reminded once again, with Lucy’s chalkboard creation, about the true reason behind all this Easter hoopla.

You got it, Lucy.
So grateful for Him and this day to celebrate that beauty.