Yep. My little baby girl who came as that big surprise all those years ago turns TWENTY-FIVE today.
She has grown into a wonder of a woman.
When your kids get older, you shift the ways that you “see” them.
You want everything in the world for them and you want to show them the way, but when you let go, often-times you realize they’ve “got this” much more beautifully than you could show or guide them.
They become your friends and confidants and examples rather than those little people who follow you around.
And I love watching who they become.
Some of my very favorite things about Elle Belle:
- She is an incredible nurturer. She nurtures her siblings like a mother-hen yet makes them feel like they’re doing the leading. She adores her big brother she’s paled around with for her whole life, and adds all kinds of spunk to her sisters. There have been more times than I can count when I tear up overhearing her on calls with Lucy over FaceTime. She asks the best questions and dives into things I don’t even think to ask. She makes people feel seen.
- She has a rare combination of being fierce right along with that nurturing. She’s got a pretty fun competitive edge and boy she knows what she wants. She sets goals and makes them happen. She is a feminist in the best sense of the word, and knows as a woman she can do anything she sets her mind to. I love to watch her work so hard at her freelance graphic design job, always looking for new opportunities and ways to support their little family as Carson is in full time medical school. Love to watch them work together.
- She takes herself lightly. And humbly. She is the kind of girl who can get given all kinds of business on a blog but just lets it roll off her back and knows everyone is just coming from different spaces. She is one who many look up to yet she reflects any attention right back to them and builds and loves. She is fully “herself.” She isn’t afraid to stand up for what she thinks or to stand up for someone who needs support.
- She is the kind of person you want to have on an adventure with you. Her eyes light up when she has an adventurous idea. She knows how to research and plan and make things happen. But even if it’s not an “adventure,” she knows how to make a plain-old-day the best day ever.
- She is wise. In the spiritual sense as well as intellectual as well as socially. She has the ability to put herself in other’s shoes and see life through different lenses. She knows in whom to put her trust when she is in a difficult situation.
- She is an art-lover. I don’t know if I ever posted about the incredible art book she made for her final graphic design project for college. Such a creative way to draw others in to love art like she does. This is especially fun as we are headed out on a little art history tour of our own coming up.
- She chose the best husband who is the ying to her yang and who we adore as such a perfect match for her.
Oh the list goes on and on, but I’ll wrap up by saying I love you more than I can say, Miss Elle.

Thanks for being not only such a thoughtful and conscientious and leading daughter but also one of my best friends. Love you forever.
And ever.
Elle has a blog?
What an amazing daughter!!! She sounds incredible! I love all the beautiful things you wrote about her.
I ADORE this girl! Even more after this summer!